to 400 years ago.
Why do you think people start using precious metals for coins?
Precious metals gradually took over other items of exchange (such as cattle, grain, teeth, shells, features, skulls, salt, elephant tusks, tobacco, etc.) because, when made into coins, they were portable, durable, recognizable, and divisible into larger and smaller units of value.
Would you please explain what is barter, and give your examples of it.
Barter is a system of direct exchange. Goods that are considered to be equal value in the market place can be exchanged. An example of barter system would be if someone built a fence for a farmer in exchange for food. So, the farmer would give the builder a value of the fence in beef.
5. What do you think can be named as advantages and disadvantages of barter paying system?
The advantage of barter paying system is its simplicity. This system doesn’t have any of the complex problems of the modern monetary system.
Also there is no problem of over- or under-production (or of unemployment or over-hill employment) because goods are produced just to meet the needs of the society.
Under the barter system there are no problems of international trade (foreign exchange crisis, adverse balance of payments)
Also there is no problem of concentration of economic power into the hands of a few rich persons
But barter system isn’t very satisfactory.
The first disadvantage of barter paying system is that people’s needs seldom coincide. For example, if person A wants to acquire shoes in exchange for wheat, then he must find another person who wants wheat for shoes.
The second disadvantage is that in absence of common measure of value it’s difficult to express the value of a good (for example, how much wheat should be exchanged for how many pairs of shoes)
Then, not all goods cannot be divided and subdivided. There can be a problem how to exchange big indivisible goods for smaller goods. For example, if the price of a horse is equal to 10 shirts, then a person having one shirt cannot exchange it for the horse because it is not possible to divide the horse.
A great disadvantage of barter paying system is that it’s impossible to store wealth (many specific goods can’t be stored for a long time).
Under barter system there are also difficulties with transportation of goods (for example, a herd of cattle) conveniently from one place to another. With the use of money, the inconveniences or risks of transportation are removed.
6. What is a coin, explain how does it look like.
A coin is a round piece of metal stamped with various signs (emperors, emblems, etc.) to mark its authenticity and numbers showing its value.
7. When was the monetary reform (during which decimal money was adopted) in the UK?
Decimal currency was introduced in the UK in 1971.
8. What other kind of ‘money’ do you know? (How and Where can we use it).
Nowadays “electronic money” – checks, bankers and plastic cards are being increasingly used. People can use this kind of money practically everywhere (shops, filling stations, etc.) and it’s possible that in future traditional paper money and metal coins will disappear.
Do you know other Russian and English proverbs about money? Give as many examples as possible.
Time is money.
Muck and money go together. (Грязь и деньги вместе ходят)
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Money is roof of all evil. (В деньгах корень всех зол)
Money is a good servant, but a bad master. (Деньги — хороший слуга, но плохой хозяин)
Rich knows not who is his friend.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
A beggar can never be bankrupt
Money begets money. (Деньги рождают деньги)
A good name is better than riches. – Добрая слава лучше богатства.
Money often unmakes the men who make it. (Деньги часто портят тех, кто их наживает)
No money – no honey
We are not rich enough to buy cheap things. (Мы не настолько богаты, чтобы покупать дешевые вещи)
Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. (Деньги потраченные на образование, никогда не пропадают даром).
Время – деньги
Без денег в город — сам себе ворог.
Без денег торговать, как без соли хлебать.
Береги хлеб для еды, а деньги для беды.
Ближняя копеечка дороже дальнего рубля.
Больше денег, больше и хлопот.
Был бы ум, будет и рубль; не будет ума, не будет и рубля.
Были бы деньги, а дыр-то много.
В деньгах родства нет.
Даровой рубль дёшев, нажитый дорог.
Денежки в кармане — все друзья с нами.
Денежка дорожку прокладывает.
Денежка не Бог, а бережёт.
Деньга деньгу родит.
Деньги счёт любят.
Держи копеечку — чтоб не укатилась.
За денежки и чёрт спляшет.
И барину деньга господин.
Из больших денег и рубль нипочём.
Иному слова не скажи, а только деньги покажи.
Кто не богат, тот и копейке рад, а богатому — и тысяч мало.
Лишняя денежка карману не в тягость.
На пустой карман и грош хорош.
Не клади все деньги в один карман.
Не легко деньги нажить, а легко прожить.
Не молодца любят, денежку.
Охал дядя, на чужие деньги глядя.
Последнюю копейку ребром не ставят.
При деньгах-то и дурак умный.
С деньгами мил, без денег постыл.
Ста рублей нет, а рубль не деньги.
Сто рублей есть, так и правда твоя.
Трудовая денежка всегда крепка.
Трудовая денежка до веку живёт.
Трудовая денежка плотно лежит, чужая ребром торчит.
У скупого рубль плачет, а у щедрого и полушка скачет.
6 Exercise VIII
Творческое задание
Вам предоставляется прекрасная возможность показать себя в роли работника отдела кадров (менеджера по персоналу) в крупной фирме. Чем занимается Ваше предприятие, на какую должность вы принимаете людей – все эти детали Вы придумываете сами (выбирайте, что Вам ближе).
Вам необходимо:
1) Составить письменный отчет по результатам собеседований, проведенных с 2 претендентами на вакантную должность. Вы должны обосновать свой выбор одного из кандидатов, дать его профессиональный, психологический, эмоциональный портреты, доказать, что на Ваш взгляд он является самой подходящей кандидатурой.
To: Arnold White, Managing Director
From: Mike Fisher, Personnel Manager
Date: 22 May, 2014
Subject: Job interview results
I am writing to tell you that on April 23, I interviewed the two most promising applicants for the position of District Manager.
The first of them, John Priestly, has a very good CV and excellent references: his both referees emphasize that he is a good team player. He has had two years in the construction industry, starting at the bottom and working his way up to a management position. At the job interview he presented himself in a very assertive and positive manner.
I would recommend John Priestly for the position of District Manager. I think he would be a great asset to our company.
2) Ваш второй отчет касается второго претендента, которого Вы отклоняете. Обоснуйте свой отказ. Вы можете описать его внешние и внутренние качества, обрисовать ход самого интервью и так далее.
To: Arnold White, Managing Director
From: Mike Fisher, Personnel Manager
Date: 22 May, 2014
Subject: Job interview results
I am writing to tell you that on April 23, I interviewed the two most promising applicants for the position of District Manager.
The second of them, Terry Slocum, has a fairly interesting CV, but hasn’t had as much experience as John Priestly. Despite presenting himself in an assertive and positive manner, a few questions revealed that he hadn’t done much research into the company background. I also doubt his ability to manage large-scale projects, until he has acquired more experience.
I would not recommend Terry Slocum for the position in question. I am sure that Mr. Priestly is a better candidate for the position of District Manager.
7 Exercise VIII
Творческое задание
Представьте ситуацию: Вы являетесь работником крупной фирмы или компании, директор этой фирмы принимает нового сотрудника – дочь/сына своего друга. Она/он явно не справляется со своей работой, но директор не предпринимает никаких шагов чтобы изменить происходящее.
Опишите ситуацию глазами этого самого нового работника. Опишите обязанности, возложенные на нового работника, какие ошибки допускаются, как к этому относится вся фирма и так далее.
My name is Ann Smith, I’ve just finished the university and my father found a good job for me. The director of this company is my father’s old friend, Uncle Sam. Now I work as a secretary for this company that sells electronics. My duties are: taking note at the companies meetings (I hate that most, as I just can’t type so fast!), preparation of different boring documents (it’s very inconvenient with my manicure). I also conduct telephone conversations with our company’s partners. I like this best, they are nice fellows and like to chat with me, but sometimes ask some questions I can’t answer. But it doesn’t matter. Uncle Sam is satisfied with my work, I think. As for other workers, I do not communicate with them so much, only with Sue, the daughter of Mr. Green, Personnel Manager. I believe all the rest don’t like me, but the reason is not my personality. Just they are jealous of my success.