( Infinitives, -ing forms, used to ), -ed | -ing Adjectives, Exclamations with such, so, word building with suffixes –ly, -al,- ful, -less, -able, -est, ian, -tion, -ity, -ance.
I По выделенному суффиксу определите часть речи:
1 readable а) прилагательное б) глагол
2 historian а) прилагательное б) существительное
3 interruption а) прилагательное б) существительное
4 smallest а) прилагательное б) глагол
5 meaningful а) наречие б) прилагательное
II По выделенным словообразовательным элементам определите, какому из английских слов соответствует предъявленное русское слово:
6 педагог a) education b) educator с) educational
7 заботливый a) careless b) carefully c) careful
8 электрик a) electrical b) electrician c) electricity
9 проводник a) conductor b) conductance c) conduction
III Из данных предложений выпишите и переведите то, в котором глагол to have выражает долженствование:
10. Edison never had enough money left over to buy warm clothes.
11. In studying the problem of the “arc” lamp Edison had to test 1,600 materials. – При изучении проблемы “дуговой” лампы Эдисону пришлось протестировать 1,600 материалов.
12. For years other inventors had experimented with electric lights.
IV Из данных предложений выпишите и переведите то, в котором глагол to be выражает долженствование:
13. In 1847 America was just beginning its great industrial development.
14. The carbon “arc” lamp was highly successful for street lightning.
15. Edison’s invention factory was to turn out inventions every few days.– Завод изобретении Эдисона должен был представлять изобретения каждые несколько дней.
V Из данных предложений выпишите и переведите те, в которых сказуемое стоит в Passive Voice:
16. Edison equipped his laboratory with good scientific instruments.
17. The new laboratory was devoted to organized industrial research. – Новая лаборатория была ориентирована на организованные промышленные исследования.
18. Most of Edison’s inventions were the results of hundreds of experiments.
19. Masses of people all over the world were released from their dependence on oil and gas lamps for light. – Огромное количество людей во всем мире перестали зависеть от керосиновых ламп и газовых светильников.
20. Enormous steam engines were used for power in factories. – Огромные паровые двигатели использовались для снабжения фабрик электричеством.
VI Выберите и выпишите соответствующую форму глагола:
21. Edison received | was received many hours for his contributions to the progress of mankind.
22. Edison awarded | was awarded a special congressional Medal of Honour.
23. Edison never considered | was considered himself a brilliant man.
24. He also perfected | was perfected the electric motor which made electric trains possible.
25. In the new laboratory an even larger corps of research assistants employed | were employed.
VII Выберите правильный вариант: Infinitive with to or without to or –ing form
26. I’m tired. I would like ….. to bed.
a) go b) to go c) going
27. It was lovely ….. you again at Ann’s party.
a) see b) to see c) seeing
28. They translated a story into English without ….. a dictionary.
a) use b) to use c) using
29. When I was a child, my brother didn’t let me ….. with him.
a) play b) to play c) playing
30. His mother made him ….. the room.
a) clean b) to clean c) cleaning
VIII Выберите правильный вариант:
31. He ….. a car provided that he passes his driving test.
a) will buy b) would buy c) bought
32. If you ….. your medicine, you won’t get better.
a) didn’t take b) don’t take c) won’t take
33. He’ll give you some money as soon as he ….. his salary.
a) got b) will get c) gets
Понимание прочитанного
I Прочтите пояснения к тексту:
It was one of these books that helped… – именно одна из этих книг помогла
Perseverance – упорство, настойчивость
Baggage car – багажный вагон
Baggage master – носильщик
Patent-right – самодельное устройство
Motion picture camera and projector – кинокамера и кинопроектор
II Прочитайте текст, вдумайтесь в его содержание, постарайтесь понять его, чтобы выполнить задание после текста:
Thomas Alva Edison ( 1847- 1931 )
When we talk of education, it is always meant “going to school”. But education is much more than that. Thomas Edison went to school for only three months, but he educated himself for all the 84 years of his life. Tom learned to read quickly, and reading gave him both information and inspiration. Even as a small boy, Thomas Edison had always asked questions about how things worked and why things were the way they were.
He read books on literature, history, math and science, and it was one of these books that helped him shape his early life. A science book by R. C. Parker showed him how experiments should be done. Tom set up a laboratory in the basement of the family home where each of the experiments discussed in the book was carefully conducted by him. Reading and experimenting were two of the habits which helped make him famous. The other habits were perseverance and hard work.
Tom started earning money when he was ten or eleven years old. Before the age of 14 he had to sell magazines and newspapers to the passengers on the train which traveled between his hometown and Detroit. His experiments were not interrupted because the baggage master let him set up a small laboratory in one of the corners of the luggage car where he could experiment with his chemicals, batteries, wires and home-made gadgets.
When Edison was 17 he produced his first practical invention, a repeating telegraph. Still in his twenties, he earned over $40,000 for some of his early patent rights and with that money opened his first laboratory and photograph and the light bulb, improved electrical and telephoning equipment, invented motion picture camera and projector.
Thomas A. Edison lived to be 84 years old. In his lifetime over a thousand inventions were produced. He had only three months of formal schooling but he knew that education was a life-long process and he read almost everything he could find. He believed in himself and he worked long and hard at his many jobs. He failed many times but even failure was a part of his education. Because he read and worked and experimented, and never let himself become discouraged, he changed our world and our lives forever.
III Какое из данных утверждений выражает основную идею текста?
Edison had carried out a translation in the 19th century science from the industrialistic way of invention to specialized teams engaged in systematic research.
Edison had never been to university but he educated himself all his life and became the world’s leading inventor.
Edison contributed greatly the progress of mankind and his assistants became well-known directors of companies and Nobel Prize winners.
IV Запишите номер абзаца, в котором найдёте ответ на вопрос:
What help Edison shape his life? – 2
V Расположите данные пункты плана в последовательности, соответствующей содержанию текста:
3. Reading and inquisitive mind helped Edison to educate himself.
5. One of the books became his handbook for making experiments.
2. The need to earn money did not prevent him from self-educating.
4. Still in his twenties Edison earned enough money to form his own “factory of invention”.
1. Thomas Elva Edison belongs to the world’s great contributors to industrial development.
VI Есть ли в тексте ответы на вопросы? Запишите «да» или «нет».
Why did Edison go to school for only three months? «нет»
Who is the author of the book that taught him to experiment? «да»
Where did Edison make experiments when he worked as a sales boy on a train? «да»
What invention did he earn &40,000 for? «нет»
VII Переведите письменно 2, 3, 4 абзацы текста.
2 Он читал книги по литературе, истории, математике и науке, и именно одна из этих книг помогла ему сформироваться в юности. Научный труд Р. С. Паркера показал ему, как необходимо проводить эксперименты. Том организовал лабораторию в подвале семейного особняка, где тщательно провел каждый эксперимент, обсужденный в этой книге. Чтение и эксперименты были двумя привычками, которые помогли ему стать знаменитым. Другими чертами характера были упорство и трудолюбие.
3 Том начал зарабатывать деньги, когда ему было десять или одиннадцать лет. До 14 лет он был вынужден продавать журналы и газеты для пассажиров на поездах, которые курсировали между его родным городом и Детройтом. Он не прерывал эксперименты, потому что заведующий пассажирским багажом разрешил ему устроить небольшую лабораторию в одном из углов багажного вагона, где он смог экспериментировать с его химическими веществами, батарейками, проводами и изготовленными в домашних условиях устройствами.
4 Когда Эдисону был 17 лет, он создал свою первое практическое изобретение, повторяющий (говорящий) телеграф. Уже в возрасте до 30 лет он получил более $40 000 за некоторые из его ранних патентных прав и на эти средства открыл свою первую лабораторию, создал фотографию и лампочку, улучшил электрическое и телефонное оборудование, изобрел кинокамеру и проектор.