Control Work 1.
I. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verbs.
A. 1. It has been raining for four days and the water has covered the floor. 2. Did the date of her wedding fix? 3. I have to get him to the station. The train leaves at eleven. 4. I have been working in this company for 10 years. 5. Dad always smokes in the room. 6. Gwen learns Spanish. She is going to Spain in three weeks. 7. You’ll miss the train unless taking a taxi to the station. 8. You’ll miss the train unless you take a taxi to the station. 9. I get to know a lot of new people when I travel. 10. We will have a party next Saturday night. Can you come?
B. I come from a very large family and recently my parents decided that they spent long enough living in an overcrowded house in Birmingham. “We will move to the country”, my father announced one evening. “I sell this house, and we will live on a farm”. So last week we loaded all our possessions into two hired vans, and for the last few days we tried to organize ourselves in our new home. Yesterday, for example, my three brothers and I started painting the downstairs rooms.
Unfortunately while I was mixing the paint, one of my sisters opened the door. Nobody told her that we were in the room, you see. So instead of painting the walls, we have spent all morning cleaning the paint off the floor. But worse things happened since then. This morning when I woke up, water was dripping through the ceiling next to my bed. We have been spending today repairing the roof. It’s not all bad news, though. The school in the village nearby had closed down two years ago, and my parents did not find another school for us yet.
II. Complete the sentences.
1. I won’t help you unless you help me. 2. She is as beautiful as ever. 3. Since Michael was born, we have not seen it. 4. Before he became successful, he was an ordinary worker. 5. No sooner had I gone out than it began to rain. 6. He had been sleeping till his sister woke him up. 7. I am not sure if there are any in this photo. 8. By the end of the year, the number of people who have stayed in hotels in our city will exceed one million. 9. Hardly had John entered into the private room when two beautiful girls left from there. 10. While I’m washing up, I listen to the radio. 11. You are constantly staring at me. You surely loves me. 12. Unless you keep to a diet, you can grow fat. 13. At this time tomorrow, he’ll be speaking with his family.
III. Translate into English
1. Он стоял у окна и думал о своем будущем. – He stood at the window and thought about his future. 2. Я видел его давно. – I’ve seen him for a long time. 3. Это произошло до того, как мы туда приехали. – This happened before we got there. 4. Они сделали все возможное до того, как пришел врач. – They did everything possible before the doctor came. 5. Я надеюсь, тебе будет все ясно, когда ты получишь письмо. I hope it is all will be clear for you when you get a letter. 6. К 9 часам он закончил работу и вышел на улицу. Ветер утих, но было довольно прохладно. Он медленно шел, стараясь ни о чем не думать. He finished his work by 9 o’clock and went outside. The wind died down, but it was pretty cool. He walked slowly, trying to think about nothing. 7. Вы ошиблись. Вы передаете мне соль, а не горчицу. You have made a mistake. You pass me the salt, not mustard. 8. Мы остановились, так как какой-то человек подходил к нам. We have stopped because one man approached us. 9. Он не видел меня, так как что-то писал. He has not seen me because he wrote something. 10. Если она не получит никаких известей от брата на этой неделе, она пошлет телеграмму. If she does not receive any news from brother this week, she will send him a telegram. 11. К тому времени, когда мы добрались до дома, снег прекратился, а луна ярко сияла на темном небе. Мы устали, так как шли три часа. By the time we got to the house, the snow has stopped, and the moon shone brightly in the dark sky. We were tired because we had walked three hours. 12. Я напишу ему после того, как увижусь с родителями. I will write to him after I see the parents. 13. Шел очень сильный снег, и я не смог разобрать номера автобуса. Когда я уже проехал несколько остановок, я понял, что ехал в неправильном направлении. It was snowing and I could not make out the bus number. When I have already passed several bus stops, I realized that I took the wrong direction. 14. Ты когда-нибудь слышал, как хорошо она говорит по-английски? Говорят, она учит его уже три года. Have you ever heard how well she speaks English? They say she studies English for three years.
IV. Make up a situation on one of the suggested topics.
Our College life needs changes.
After finishing my first semester as a college student, the challenges and changes that college bring aren’t as frightening as they once were. And while there are certain aspects of my future that still scare me, for the first time in my life I feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be. I have grown and developed so much as a person over the past three months. College is an opportunity for people to grow and change, and be who they want to be. But none of this is possible for those who are too afraid to experience new things and allow their minds to change.
The summer after my senior year was a time of change for me. Determined to lose weight before I went away to school, I began running, going to the gym and eating healthy right away. After being teased and tormented because of my weight all through middle and high school, I knew that this was my last chance to change before college. I saw the results of my hard work and determination right away, and within the first few weeks, I lost ten pounds. And while my original goal was to “fix” my outer appearance, I noticed changes on the inside as well. I began to recognize my talents and abilities, and started to actually like myself, a concept which seemed impossible to me before. The compliments that flowed in boosted my confidence even more, and I was motivated to continue. Halfway through the summer, I was fifteen pounds lighter and happier than I had ever been.
If you want to change your college life, willpower isn’t enough. Wanting it really badly isn’t enough. Brute force and sweeping declarations of how you’re positive that “this time will be different” aren’t enough. Determination alone won’t get you from where you are to where you want to be. There are as many kinds of student as there are individuals in the world. While many students may be attending college straight from high school, others may be older and returning to school. While some students may like to have many friends and enjoy a party lifestyle, others may prefer to get excellent grades and study almost all the time. The kind of student you are depends on the kind of person you are. For many, your time at college is a time of definition, of finding out what kind of person you are, and learning to live with more independence and responsibility for yourself than you ever have before. Fortunately colleges are aware of this and are designed to provide experiences that help students discover how they want to live.
The first year of college is a new and exciting adventure, but one that may come with a few changes along the way. What are some of the most common changes in college life that first-year students need?
1. Time Management. Now that you are in college, there are no more eight hour school days like those in many high schools. You may have class for six, three, or even zero hours a day. The rest of your time must be negotiated between homework, clubs and activities, work, socializing, and self-care. College students often feel as if there is just not enough time to do everything that needs to be done. Using a schedule and some organizational skills will help you to effectively manage your hectic and changing life.
2. Academic Performance. By nature, college coursework is challenging, and it can be hard to keep up with the increased academic demands. Some students undergo pressure from both themselves and their parents. There may be requirements for scholarships and graduate school admission that you have not previously experienced. In order to manage the increased demands and expectations, it is important to attend class regularly, keep up with readings and assignments, and ask for help when you need it. Professors and teaching assistants are there to assist you, and want you to succeed. If you need additional help, various organizations on campus offer tutoring services, many of which are free. Alpha Lambda Delta: Freshman Honor Society, Office of Minority Student Affairs, and University Residence Halls Academic Assistance are a few such services that offer tutoring at no cost.
3. Roommate Conflict. Learning to live with someone new can be one of the most challenging aspects of going to college. Different living habits are the most common source of roommate conflict (i.e. neat vs. messy; quiet vs. noisy; early-to-bed vs. up-all-night). Failure to communicate your expectations about living together can lead to tension and eventually conflict. To avoid “roommate fallout” you should communicate your needs and expectations respectfully, while recognizing your own habits and quirks that might affect your relationship. If conflict does escalate you should take it to a Resident Advisor, Resident Director, or a Counselor to determine a course of action.
4. Long Distance Dating Relationships. It is not uncommon for first-year students to begin college in a long distance dating relationship. Where at one time this relationship may have helped you cope with everyday stress, it could now be a source of distress due to the distance between you and your partner. Uncertainty in what the future holds for the relationship is one of the most common stressors experienced by college students in long distance dating relationships. There are a few key efforts that each partner can make to lessen the sting of separation. Verbal communication, openness, and assurance of one another can reduce stress associated with being separated. It is also essential for each partner to seek social support from others and remain active in their individual lives while apart.
5. Body Image. Many college students also struggle with body image. Our culture pays a great deal of attention to the appearance of our bodies, particularly during young adulthood. Media representations of the ideal body, messages from peers, and other cultural factors shape what we perceive as “normal” or “good”. It can be difficult to have a clear, healthy perspective on ourselves and our bodies when our culture sends so many confusing, conflicting, and sometimes unhealthy messages. This can be stressful at a time when many are trying to “fit in” with others and make new, exciting relationships. If you find yourself preoccupied with how you look or become distressed about your body, discussing your concerns and ideas with someone can be extremely helpful in creating, developing, and maintaining a body image that is healthful and fulfilling.
Therefore, our college life needs some changes that will improve the well-being of our students.
V. Make up a dialogue on the following situation.
I am looking forward to the next term but also I get nervous thinking about my new classes. Each term the classes will get a little harder and more challenging. I hope I am up to all those new challenges. I love to learn but I still have a little fear of failing.
– Hi, Mark. How’s college?
– Great. I’m having such a good time. I used to study harder when I was at secondary school.
– You’re so lucky to be a year older than me . I’m still studying four hours a night.
– I know. It’s funny, but it seems like only yesterday that we were children. Now here I am, an undergraduate at university, and next year you will be too.
– If I pass my exams.
– Of course, you will.
– Are you still learning English?
– Yes, but I don’t always get enough time for it. I have so many other problems to solve.
– So have I. I can read English well now but it’s difficult for me to speak English. And I can’t always understand people when they speak English to me.
– Do you try to listen to the native English speakers?
– Of course, I do. It helps me to understand English. But I want to speak English too.
– Then you must speak English with your friends all the time. It’s the best way to master the language .
– You are quite right. Thank you, I’ll follow your advice.
– John, listen, why don’t you relax tonight. Take a night off and come out with me.
– I can’t. I’ve got to study for an exam.
– What exam are you taking?
– It’s one of the most important problems now – the law history.
– Oh, I remember it. This exam isn’t really very easy. But you don’t have to worry. Nobody ever fails.
– Well, I’m in real trouble if I don’t pass.
– I hear you’ve made a very good report on the subject and you were given a good mark. Is it really so?
– Yea, but…
– John, pull yourself together and everything will be O.K. Good luck.
– Thanks.
Control Work 2.
I. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Passive Voice.
A. 1. The fist draft resolution was not discussed yesterday; it had been withdrawn long before the beginning of the meeting. 2. He is not in the town; he has been sent on a special mission. 3. Don’t come into the compartment; the berth is being fixed now. 4. It was three o’clock. We were told to hurry up because we were being waited. 5. Was the plan approved? – No, it is being discussed now. – How long will it be discussed? 6. The money was lent to him two month ago, but it had not been given back yet. 7. If you are asked about it, will you be able to answer? 8. This work had been done before you went to Moscow. 9. I am not a person who is ordered about. 10. Teachers might be offered accommodation in college.
B. Complete the text with a suitable active or passive form of the verbs in brackets.
Dear Mrs Patel,
We are delighted to inform you that you are selected for a free holiday. According to our information, you answered telephoned survey last month as a result of which your name has been entered in the holiday draw. Now our computer has chosen your name, so you and your family are invited to spend a week in a European destination of your choice. This offer makes on the condition that you attend a special promotions day with other lucky families in your region who offers a similar deal. You are asked to attend on any Saturday next month at the Royal Hotel, Manchester. If you are interested in attending and taking up this offer, please detach the slip below and return it to us as soon as possible.
II. Transform the sentences in the passive.
1. The company has cut all salaries. – All salaries have been cut by the company. 2. Do you suppose your brother could have written such a letter? – Do you suppose such a letter could have been written by your brother? 3. Has anyone asked you for your opinion? – Have you ever been asked for your opinion? 4. The manager kept me waiting for half an hour. – I was kept waiting for half an hour by the manager. 5. Have you touched anything? Have you been touched by anything? 6. The interpreter is translating their conversation rather well. – The conversation was translated rather well. 7. They will look after him in hospital much better. – He was looked much better in a hospital. 8. Nobody informed the police that there had been a mistake. – The police were not informed that there had been a mistake. 9. Where will your company send you next year? – Where will you be sent by your company next year? 10. People asked me the way three times. – I was asked by the people three times.
III. Translate into English using the Passive Voice.
1. Кто вам сказал, что соглашение подписано? Who told you that the agreement was signed? 2. Здесь говорят только на английском. It is told here only in English. 3. Ей разрешили заниматься спортом. She was allowed to play sports. 4. В больнице за ним ухаживали плохо. In the hospital he was cared badly. 5. За ним уже послано? – Да, ему позвонили и велели придти в восемь. Behind him is already sent? – Yes, he was called and told to come at eight. 6. Не говори это, а то над тобой будут смеяться. Do not say it, and then the people will be laughed. 7. Это здание было только построено, когда мы приехали сюда. This building was built only when we arrived here. 8. Когда мы вернулись, нам рассказали много интересных новостей. When we returned, we were told a lot of interesting news. 9 . Стол был накрыт до того, как пришел первый гость. The table was set before the first guest arrived. 10. Пока вы спали. When you were sleeping. На диване спали? Had the sofa been slept? 11. В твоей комнате ничего не трогали с тех пор, как тебя послали в командировку. There is nothing changed in your room since you were sent on a business trip. 12. Вас когда-нибудь учили как надо себя вести. Have you ever been taught how to behave yourself. 13. Завтра мне дадут эту книгу. Tomorrow I will be given this book. 14. Посмотри! На скатерть пролили чай. Look! The tea was spilled on a table cloth.
IV. Topic.
Man’s and woman’s work in housekeeping
Woman’s work is a term used particularly in the West to indicate work that is believed to be exclusively the domain of women and associates particular tasks with the female gender. It is particularly used with regard to work that a mother or wife will perform within a family and household. (See sexual division of labour). Related concepts include gender role, wage labour and employment, female workforce, and women’s rights. The term may be pejorative, when applied to men performing roles which are largely designated for women.
The term “women’s work” may indicate a role with children as defined by nature in that only women are biologically capable of performing them: pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. It may also refer to professions that involve these functions: midwife and wet nurse. “Women’s work” may also refer to roles in raising children particularly within the home: diaper changing and related hygiene, toilet training, bathing, clothing, feeding, monitoring, and education with regard to personal care. It may also refer to professions that include these functions such as that of: teacher (up to the age of puberty), governess, nanny, day care worker, and au pair. “Women’s work” may also refer to roles related to housekeeping such as: cooking, sewing, ironing, and cleaning. It may also refer to professions that include these functions such as: maid and cook. Though much of “women’s work” is indoors, some is outdoors such as: fetching water, grocery shopping or food foraging, and gardening.
By contrast, “men’s work” involves the usage of strength or work outdoors; mechanical, electrical or electronic knowledge and skill; employment (“bread-winning”, “bringing home the bacon”); most dealings with money; or higher reasoning to perform tasks. Among some people, men’s work is considered to be the opposite of “women’s work” and thus does not include activities within the home or with children, though “men’s work” traditionally includes work that involves both (such as repairing appliances and disciplining children).
V. Make up a dialogue on the following situation.
You are leaving and giving instructions how to keep the house.
Ann, we’re going to talk about keeping and cleaning the house! So, first of all, how often do you clean, like your apartment?
Thoroughly, I would say I clean once a week.
So, do you consider yourself a clean person?
I consider myself an organized person.
OK. So, in your house what is the one room you hate cleaning?
Probably the bathroom, which includes the shower, the sink, toilet. (Yeah) All together.
Yeah, so, why?
I just think it’s the grossest part of the house. It always seems to accumulate the most dirt and grime (Yeah) pretty disgusting.
Yeah, it’s hard to get the stuff off the tiles. (Right) You got to scrub and scrub and it’s still brown or green or whatever color it is.
Exactly. It’s just a difficult place to get into to clean, and there’s lots of small spaces to get into and…
Yeah! In Japan it’s weird because they have these little portable bathrooms, you know, they’re all plastic so…
It’s easy. You just take the sprayer and spray the whole room.
Yeah! I’m convinced that they drop those bathrooms in a, with a helicopter. They just drop them right in there. You got everything, you know.
Easy! Convenient! Efficient!
What about laundry?
I don’t like really doing any type of manual labor, but I don’t mind doing laundry from time to time.
Yeah, I like laundry actually. I like the smell of the clothes when you finish.
Yeah, that’s a good part of it, but I don’t like to actually to do the work, washing!
Yeah, actually, I like to clean. That’s why I have this question. (Mm) I’m a clean freak. Like, I like washing dishes. I like doing laundry. Yeah!
Yeah, that’s not fun for me. (No!) I’d rather sleep given the choice.
Like you can pay me and I’ll clean your apartment.
Oh, sounds good. Perfect!
How much? How much would you pay me?
Um, see, going rate for a maid these day, Tom?
Maid! That’s a sexist comment!
It is a sexist comment! But it is, the going rate for a maid.
Male cleaning attendant!
I don’t think that’s what they’re called. They’d still call them a maid service. Um, I don’t know. I think it’s about 15 dollars an hour.
Ooh! You’d pay me 15 dollars an hour?
Yes, that’s the going rate. That’s what I’ll pay you.
Control Work 3.
I. Change the sentences into Indirect Speech.
l. He asked, “Will you stay for supper and meet the staff?” 2. Barber asked, “What do I have to do to pass the exam well?” 3. He looked at her. “Why haven’t you dressed for dinner?” 4. She greeted him, “Hello! Where are you staying?” 5. Mary said, “Would you like a glass of milk?” 6. John said, “Sorry, I couldn’t meet you last Sunday.” 7. She asked, would you like to go for a walk with me?” 8. The lecturer said, “In 1783 the Paris Treaty was signed.” 9. She said, “I met Mike when I was jogging in the park.” 10. “I’ll come again soon. Good-bye,” said my friend.
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
‘Helen, would you like to come to lunch on Sunday?’ asked Магу.
Mary………………………………………. lunch on Sunday.
‘You are not allowed to smoke in your room, Dick,’ said his mother, forbade
Dick’s motherin his room.
Sue thought it would be a good idea for me to see a doctor, advised
Suesee a doctor.
The minister proposed regular meetings for the committee, suggested
The ministershould meet regularly.
Jack demanded urgent action from the police.
Jack demanded ……………………………………something urgently
6 My bank manager invited me to visit him at home.
My bank manager………………………………………visit him at home.
7 ‘No, I really don’t want to stay the night, Sophia,’ Ann said.
Ann insisted…………………………………the night at Sophia’s house.
8 ‘I’ll call off the football match if you don’t behave,’ the teacher said, threatened
The teacher…………………………….the children’s behavior improved.
9 ‘OK mum, I’ll do my homework, I promise,’ said Laura, that
Laurado her homework.
10 ‘Congratulations on getting engaged, Sue,’ said Harry, congratulated
III. Write an essay on one of the following topics:
What I Like and What I Hate to Eat.
As a rule my family and I have three meals a day, they are: breakfast, lunch and dinner. I don’t like to eat in the morning so I usually have a cup of black tea or coffee. But my parents always make me eat meat, salad and sandwiches because I come home from school only at 3 p.m. I hate any sorts of porridge so I agree to eat one sandwich for my breakfast. All my relatives like to eat cereal like cornflakes with milk but I don’t because I hate milk. Most of all I like meat or fish with vegetables but sometimes I have to eat some soup because of my mother. I don’t like to make her upset. I don’t have a sweet tooth like my mother so I almost don’t eat sweets such as puddings, cakes, rolls, pies and so on because I think they are not good for my health. I prefer eating fast food but not very often because it’s much more harmful that sweets but so tasty!
There is a good proverb that I like very much: “We eat to live, but do not live to eat.” I think this is true because food is something that we need to stay alive. Food is a source of energy. Nevertheless I like eating tasty food even though I am not much into it. So, for some people food is a source of pleasure, too. But the food that we eat should also be healthy.
I eat similar food every day. It is usually very simple. My daily meal consists of light breakfast, lunch (at school), dinner and supper.
In the morning I usually have some tea with cheeseburgers or hamburgers, some porridge or cottage cheese with sugar or jam.
I like tea with toast and home-made jam. I have a sweet tooth, so I like chocolate and different cakes, sweets very much.
I usually have lunch at school – it’s juice or tea and sandwiches that I take from home. I can also go to a canteen.
For dinner when I come home I have vegetable soup. Actually I don’t like soup. But I have to eat it because it’s healthy. But when I come to my granny I can’t stop trying her specialty – borsch or shi. Soup with meat balls that my mom cooks is my favourite. I can also have a salad or fried fish. I usually do not have desserts. Maybe some green or black tea with lemon.
For supper we usually have different kinds of potato dishes or pasta. I like meat very much. But I also like fish and other sea products – shrimps, squids, salmon and mackerel.
Vegetables are also what I love! Different vegetables are always on our dinner table. My mom makes tasty salads. I love different salads with dressings. I don’t eat much mayonnaise. Our salads usually have olive oil or sour cream as a dressing. We buy different fruits as well. My favourite fruits are bananas and tangerines.
I also love all kinds of dairy products like milk, yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese and cheese. While eating I usually drink juice or tea.
I think fast food (like McDonalds) is very bad for our health. Ready-made food like pelmeni, hamburgers and so on is also not very good. So, we try to cook at home. It is better to spend some time cooking, than to have health problems.
Well, of course, my family likes to try new dishes. So my mom always invents a new salad or cooks a new an interesting recipe if she has time on weekends. I try not to eat just before I go to bed.
IV. Make up a dialogue on the following situations:
A waitress is taking an order from a hungry and impatient client. All the client’s efforts to order this or that dish are met by refusals on all kinds of pretexts: the pork is fat; the beef is tough; they haven’t got any more potatoes in the kitchen; the ice-cream has melted; the cook has a toothache, etc.
A: Shall we have a look at the menu? I’m so hungry.
B: Yeah, OK. There are a few things here that I don’t understand.
C: There’s a lot of this stuff I don’t understand. What’s all this then?
A: Well, what about the starters? Hey, do you know what «prawns» are?
B: Appetisers.
A: Appetisers, oh. «Prawns» are what?
B: They are like large shrimps.
C: Oh, they’re delicious with avocado.
A: Really? Mind you, I like the sound of «melon and orange salad».
B: Hey, hey, look at the main courses. What is «Lancashire hotpot»?
C: I’ve heard of that. That’s sort of lamb and vegetables cooked in the oven sort of broiled and the potatoes are sliced on top and put in a layer. It’s delicious.
A: It sounds good. And what’s this one: «steak and kidney pie», do you know what this is?
B: Yeah, that now is a typical English dish – it’s made of beef which is cut up into pieces along with pieces of kidney in a rich brown sauce. It’s lovely. And that is traditionally English.
A: Sounds delicious!
C: The one I don’t understand is «cottage pie».
A: Now, I’ve come across that before. That’s minced beef in gravy and it’s got mashed potato on top. I don’t know if that’s going to be that good, although this does look like a good restaurant, don’t you think?
C: OK. Now do either of you know what’s this, what’s «nut and mushroom roast»?
B: Well, it’s a vegetarian dish … er…hasn’t got any meat in it – made of nuts, mushrooms and it’s baked in the oven like a cake. Might be quite nice. Er… but the other one I don’t know here is «chicken Madras». Anyone know that?
A: No.
C: Yes, that’s an Indian dish. I can tell you that’s …um…it’s pieces of chicken…
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